Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Yes, it has been a while... but don't be so quick to think I haven't been baking. To be completely honest with myself, I bake more than I cook actual meals-- don't judge.  I really want that to change.  No, scratch that.  It WILL change.  

I absolutely cannot stand being cliche but this will be a moment in my life when I find it to be A-OK... So here it is... For 2013, I have my eyes set forward.  I am working towards self improvement in what I put in my body, my writing, reading and music.  

I am sure that may sound like a lot.  And yeah, it is.  I have no clue how  to downplay that one... but grad school definitely helps a lot with the reading and writing aspect of self improvement.

And what does this have to do with a baking blog?  Well, for one thing I will take the time to sit down and write a new entry each week.  The content may be  different as well.  For instance, previous posts contain recipes that have high sugar content-- Mmm.  BUT, let me tell ya... I have been scared away like all get out!

So let me share a few things I baked up at the end  of 2012, then I would love to share the  books I have read and am currently reading that has changed the recipes I use.  Let me warn you... I am a health nut (born and raised!) but the last thing I want to do is force ideas on anyone.  I just want to provide food for thought.

What brought this about is the fact that food companies are changing what we eat.  After conversing with my mom about this very topic, I realized that the bread we eat is not the same as it was when she was growing up.  ...I love my carbohydrates so that scares the crap outta me!  By the end of this year, I hope to have a bread maker and share that adventure with you as well.  I know  it is faraway but I am so excited for that day to come.

Bring it on, 2013!

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